Animation and song written and sung by Jenny Hickinbotham. 2.39 mins
Conversations between Jenny Hickinbotham and her mother Judith Hickinbotham. Photographs by jenny Hickinbotham, archival and collective commons. Animation and video by Jenny Hickinbotham. Songs written by Jenny Hickinbotham, sung with backing from James Rushford, electric organ and vocals, Steph Treesea, vocals and ukulele. Recorded and produced by Joel Stern, Liquid Architecture, on 2nd August 2021.
Living Live Performance Catalogue (pdf)
DownloadMiranda commenting on her enjoyment and take away from my show Living Live at Woodend 16th October 2021.
Audience feedback after performance at Woodend 16th October 2021.
Sound and video by Jenny Hickinbotham, photographs by Jenny Hickinbotham and unknown 2020. 12.54 mins
2020. 6.13 mins
2020. 10.59 mins
Artist performance to a commercial song, artist's video and sound work. 10.33 mins
Artist performance with an anonymous voice, artist's video and sound work. 11.43 mins
Artist's performance, video and sound work.
Holiday Suite: The Prelude
Mildura on the Murray River
Holiday Suite: Broken Hill
Holiday Suite : The Swan's Lake
Give customers a reason to do business with you.
Video performed, filmed and produced by Jenny Hickinbotham. 18.48 mins
Video, photographs and paintings filmed and produced by Jenny Hickinbotham. 7.24 mins
Video created, constructed and produced by Jenny Hickinbotham. 2020. 4.25 mins Acknowledgement to The Rocky Horror show (1975) - The Time Warp Scene (2/5) Movieclip.
Video produced by Jenny Hickinbotham, images appropriated by Jenny Hickinbotham. 2020. 2.44 mins
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